The Royston Community Vision and Strategic Plan is part of the ongoing community engagement and consultation around the development and regeneration of Royston which is being carried out by the Royston Strategy Group, and led by Rosemount Development Trust.
Download the document: Royston Community Vision and Strategic Plan, 2015
The work looked at how Royston could progress as a neighbourhood over the next 10-20 years, building on the achievements of all Royston’s local organisations, several of which celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2014.
An initial consultation and engagement stage was held during the summer of 2014, with follow up sessions helping to build up this Vision and Action Plan.
Kevin Murray Associates who carried out the community consultation presented the Vision and Action Plan, its objectives which were drawn from the consultation, and the proposed next steps to the Royston community in December 2014.
A Sign-Up Ceremony also took place for the local community and the Royston Strategy Group partners and stakeholders to show their commitment to ensuring the shared vision for the regeneration of Royston is delivered.
Kevin Murray Associates were supported in the community engagement and planning by Willie Miller Urban Design who helped with the urban design and development and Benton Scott Simmons who helped with the landscape and environmental areas of the Vision and Action Plan.
Update – Royston Action Workshop and Strategy Review Report 2018
Download the document: Royston Action Workshop and Strategy Review Report, May 2018
Summary :- This report is based on two workshops facilitated by Kevin Murray Associates for Rosemount Development Trust to review and revisit the Royston Vision and Strategy. The two workshops were firstly with the Board of Rosemount Development Trust, and secondly with members of the Royston Strategy Group.
The workshops reviewed the Vision and Strategy, discussed what had been achieved and considered how priorities may have been reshaped or refined in the interim period.
This report considers three core areas in Royston, around which the main parts of discussion in the workshops were focussed, and suggests ways forward for each of the areas.
Update – Royston Vision & Strategy 2022
Download the document: Royston Vision & Strategy, 2022
Summary :- This project is a continuation and delivery of the Royston Vision and Strategy – a key objective is to “Move beyond just ‘homes’ to strengthen the whole neighbourhood quality and feel”. Another key objective: “Strengthen Royston’s physical connections, whilst reducing the impact of traffic. Raise the quality and ease with which people move around Royston and travel to surrounding areas and the city centre”. A third relevant key objective is to create “more choice for local people – in housing, shops, services, transport and access to jobs”.

Have Your Say on Regeneration of Royston
HAVE YOUR SAY ON REGENERATION PLANS FOR ROYSTON! Rosemount Development Trust are working with Kevin Murray Associates

Regeneration Survey – Prize Draw
Let your voice be heard – complete this survey on Provanhill Street & Royston Road Regeneration

Provanhill Street and Royston Road Regeneration
We are delighted to have secured £40,000 from GCC’s ‘Vacant and derelict Land’ Fund. The funds,