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Over the last year RDT have employed The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) to work with local volunteers to construct and install raised flowerbeds along Royston Road.
More planters will be installed over the coming months and as the weather gets warmer we hope to mix up the flowers in the beds to bring a bit of colour to the street!
We’re always looking for more people to get involved, so if you’re interested you can get in touch with Tom at tom.karas@TCV.org.uk or 07764655678.
This is all possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery, the Mushroom Trust, the Pump House Trust and the Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust.
RDT are delighted to have been awarded funding from the Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme to carry out work on the vacant land at Provanhill Street.
The area has long been identified as in need of improvement and we have received £797,121 to landscape the slope, with proper paths up the hill, planting spaces and community areas including outdoor classrooms for use by local schools and community groups.
We’re currently working with Glasgow City Council to confirm all of the details before progressing with designs.
RDT have managed to obtain funding from the National Lottery, the Area Partnership Fund and Rosemount Workspace that will allow us to paint a (hopefully fantastic) mural onto the wall on Royston Road opposite St Roch’s Primary School.
We wanted the artwork to be community led so artists from SWG3 are currently working with pupils from Royston Primary, St Roch’s Primary, St Roch’s Secondary and Royston Youth Action to transform their ideas into artwork which will be painted in early summer.

The money will contribute towards food vouchers, power stations and fresh food and we will be working with Royston Youth Action, Rosemount Lifelong Learning and North Glasgow Healthy Living Community to make sure support reaches those who need it most.

You can find out more about the initiative and take a short survey on their page as well as drop pins on their map to identify areas which need improvement here.
Our website has had a (fairly) recent update – check it out here https://www.rosemounttrust.co.uk/
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Our email address is: admin@rosemounttrust.co.uk
March 2023 Bulletin
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