
Ben Tibbs winner of 2020-21 Jim Conway Award

Ben Tibbs St Roch’s S2 Secondary School Pupil wins Rosemount Development Trust’s .

Ben is the youngest pupil to be nominated by St Rochs secondary for the award.

Ben completed a sponsored climb up Ben Lomond and raised £1500 in memory of his grandad, Billy. The money was used to fund an outdoor defibrillator and equipment.

The lifesaving equipment was very generously donated to Spire View Housing Association by the Tibbs family and is installed at their new community hub on Roystonhill.

Maureen Flynn MD was delighted to meet and congratulate Ben and present him with his award, and a cheque for £100.

Senior Deputy Head, Tommy Donnelly says Ben was nominated as a “really worthy recipient”.

The Jim Conway Award was created in recognition of the Trust’s former Managing Director on his retirement in 2009.
The award recognises Jim’s successful leadership and achievement in taking the organisation forward and building confidence in Voluntary Directors to develop and manage Rosemount Business Park, enabling commercial businesses to locate in Royston, presenting residents opportunity for local jobs and training.