We are delighted (for the 6th year!) to bring some festive cheer to Royston, with installation and illumination of Christmas decorations on 20 lamp columns along Royston Road, and a Christmas Tree situated in the car park of Royston Primary School. All of which is funded from RDT’s Community Benefit Fund.
The new ’Christmas Pudding’ light, was designed by Jessica from St Roch’s Primary – read more about the competition. We received lots of great entries for our design competition and, subject to funding availability, we hope to run it annually, showcasing decorations along the main street of Royston all designed by primary school pupils from St Roch’s or Royston Primary schools.
Rosemount Development Trust would like to thank our funders – including Glasgow City Council who fund our Community Development Officer post. Please click the link to view a full list of funders from our current and previous projects.