Jim Conway Award 2022
We are delighted to announce that Ben Montague is the recipient of our Jim Conway Award for 2021-2022.Ben was nominated by senior staff at St Roch’s Secondary School for his role in providing an inclusive and supportive environment in the extra-curricular clubs that he runs and in recognition of the enthusiasm and hard work which […]
Ben Tibbs winner of 2020-21 Jim Conway Award
Ben Tibbs St Roch’s S2 Secondary School Pupil wins Rosemount Development Trust’s . Ben is the youngest pupil to be nominated by St Rochs secondary for the award. Ben completed a sponsored climb up Ben Lomond and raised £1500 in memory of his grandad, Billy. The money was used to fund an outdoor defibrillator and […]
Jim Conway Award for Community Involvement
Michaela McPhilemy wins Rosemount Development Trust’s 2018 Jim Conway Award for her voluntary community work with Royston Youth Action. Director Jim Conway was delighted to meet Michaela and present her with her award and a cheque for £100. Each Year, in partnership with St Roch’s Secondary School, the Trust presents a winning pupil, selected by […]