Season’s Greetings

Rosemount Development Trust (RDT) would like to wish everyone season’s greetings and best wishes for 2024 The photos below are of RDT’s Christmas tree and lights at Royston Primary, the lights and mural on Royston Road, and the city landmark Roystonhill Spire which we maintain for the community. We are delighted (for the 6th year!) […]
Christmas Lights and Competition Winners

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Rosemount Development Trust (RDT) is delighted (for a 6th year) to bring some festive cheer to Royston, with installation and illumination of Christmas decorations on 20 lamp columns along Royston Road, and a Christmas Tree situated in the car park of Royston Primary School.All of which is […]
Christmas Lights switch-on

Our tree lights and the local illuminations have been switched-on! As a local community led organisation, Rosemount Development Trust funds the decorations/ illuminations on Royston Road, and the Christmas Tree at Royston Primary School. We have done so for the past 4 years, with financial support from our subsidiary Rosemount Workspace Ltd.